
Unique Learning Opportunities

BMC and JKA for disabled people

Body-Mind Centering® (BMC®) Rolfing®/ Structural Integration, Jeremy Krauss Approach® (JKA) 

Unique Learning Opportunities for the Whole Family – Children, Parents and Caregivers

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Our approach is specifically tailored to each person/ child and each family. We look at the abilities of a person/ child and from there, find ways to expand or add an ability or a new skill.  The sessions have a playful atmosphere, were we are rather enticing than forcing. We observe how the person/ child moves and expresses, how s/he relates to people and objects around them, and go along with that to unfold new potentials. The understanding of the whole person and its multiple links with the world stands at the center. The sessions are always in the presence of the parents or a caregiver and include suggestion for them how they can continue the work at home through their attention and specific exercises.

We welcome families with a child with disabilities or people taking care of a disabled person to offer unique learning opportunities, either on a regular base, if the family is local, or intensive for families coming from farther for a week or more, with 1-2 sessions a day for the child/ person and 1-2 sessions in a week for the parents and caregivers. We do workshops of different length for parents and professionals. Please contact us for more details.

In the sessions we use three main approaches:

Body-Mind Centering,
Rolfing/ Structural Integration and
Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA)

Please contact us at to schedule sessions or intensive meetings in Faenza, Italy, a beautiful region where you can combine therapy and vacation.

What you can expect… 

– Being welcomed in a safe and comfortable environment where learning is fortified
– A dynamic approach to facilitate movement and development
– A highly specific approach for each child to unfold potentials
– A skillful approach to identify movement patterns, dormant abilities and the desire of the child to communicate with the outside world
– A playful and enticing approach to bring joy and pleasure to the child and its relationships
– The stimulation of the child’s curiosity and desire of discovery
– Understanding of the meaning of care and being touched with care
– Support for the parents and caregivers
– Support to release stress and transform traumatic experiences

Making Connections Approaches

Body-Mind Centering®

Body-Mind Centering® is an experiential approach to somatic education based on movement, touch, vocal expression, and conscious attention. BMC has its roots in dance, physical therapy, and various meditation practices. BMC® explores the foundations of learning, the organization of movement and its development from pre-natal to walking. Each developmental step leads to the next. BMC® is a study from an embodied and experiential perspective, from everybody’s own experience: Life, from conception to walking, from embryonic stages to adult anatomy and physiology. BMC offers a gentle approach to stimulate change and progress for children/ people with disabilities, their families and people taking care of somebody. Body-Mind Centering® was developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, an occupational therapist and movement artist.

Rolfing® Structural Integration

Rolfing or Structural Integration is a process of body awareness mediated by touch and movement. The fundamental principle of the work is the education to the perception of gravity and the progressive abandonment of rigidity and tension coming from postural compensations and automatisms. Intervening on the fascial system, i.e. the network composed by the connective tissue that unites all the internal structures of the body (bones, joints, muscles, organs), the operator invites the student to perceive the connections of the living architecture of the body and to search in the environmental stimulations the necessary resources to give “sense” to the gestures. Developed by Ida Paulina Rolf (1896-1979), a researcher in biological chemistry and a scholar of, among other things, complementary therapies, yoga and osteopathy.

Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA)

The Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA) is a neurophysiological therapy based on the Feldenkrais method to support children with disabilities. It is a new understanding and perspective of experiential learning and early movement development. JKA is a unique way to learn, grow and develop for children and adults. The primary focus is helping develop potential and abilities – physically, mentally and emotionally. JKA is solidly founded on the science of neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to change and reorganize itself by forming new neural connections and developmental pathways no matter what the condition is. It supports children and adults to learn, change and overcome a spectrum of functional and developmental challenges of various kinds through a process called “progressive developmental abilities formation”.  

Sessions for Children and People with Disabilities

The main focus of the sessions with the child is to support progress and the care of the parents and caregivers. That includes a wide range of learning processes, from micro movements to locomotion in space, from neuro-muscular organization to talking, getting up and walking. Each session is specifically tailored to each child and each family. The sessions combine a structural approach working with the different body system (like organs or fascia) with sensory integration and functional alignment of the neuro-muscular system. The ability of the child is at the center, rather than the disability, and the understanding of the whole person and its multiple links with the world. The sessions are in the presence of the parents or a caregiver and include also suggestions for the  them how to support the child/ person in the everyday life. 
The sessions are based on the science of neuroplasticity with the idea that by forming new neural connections the brain can change and reorganize, which allows the child to change and overcome various developmental challenges.  

Sessions for Adults Taking Care of a Family Member

Listening and understanding where people are and what they need is at the core of the work with parents and caregivers. To care for another person, a child, an adult, or an elderly demands a lot of energy and can create conditions of stress and exhaustion. It is not always easy to find time for oneself and to pay attention to being well. The challenge is to balance one’s own needs with the needs of other. Gentle touch and the invitation to discover subtle movements frees up bodily restrictions, and by improving one’s posture – physically and emotionally – finding new ways to cope with challenging situations. An individual session clarifies one’s own resources and allows to reconnect with one’s ability to self-regulate, to increase resilience and to find joy in life.

How to find us 

Thomas Greil and Carla Bottiglieri live and work in Faenza, Italy, in the region of Romagna, close to Bologna and Ravenna. They have many years of experience working with children and adults to accompany them in their process of discovering abilities and unfolding potentials.

Please contact us at to schedule sessions or intensive meetings in Faenza, Italy, a beautiful region where you can combine therapy and vacation.